Payment File Template Request


This feature is currently available only for localization SuiteApps that uses Electronic Bank Payments.

The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp supports EFT, Direct Debit, and Positive Pay payment file formats created by localized SuiteApps.

When a localized SuiteApp is installed or uninstalled from an account with an existing Electronic Bank Payment SuiteApp, it sends a template request. The template request contains data required for the localized SuiteApp to create, update, or inactivate country-specific payment file format to use for electronic payments.

The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp then creates a Payment File Template Request record to track this request and receive the data sent by the localized SuiteApp.

The table below describes how localized payment file formats are created or updated based on the localized SuiteApp action.

Localized SuiteApp

Payment File Format


This action will create new localized payment file format records.


This action will update existing localized payment file format records.


This action will set existing localized payment file format records to inactive.


This action will set existing localized payment file format records to active.


Access to this record is available only to Administrators of the account.

To view a Payment File Template Request:

  1. Go to Payments > Setup > Payment File Template Requests.

  2. Look for the payment file template request record you want to see and click the View link for it.

  3. The following table shows the fields available on the Payment File Template Request record.



    Date Created

    This is a system-generated field that marks the date when the request was created in NetSuite.

    Last Modified

    This is a system-generated field that marks the last time the request was modified in NetSuite.


    This field displays the status of the payment template request.

    • Passed – This status indicates that the payment file template request is successful.

    • Failed – This status is displayed when the payment file template request has not been generated successfully due to errors encountered while processing.


    This field displays the name of the Suiteapp requesting the payment templates.

    Raw Request

    This field displays the payment template’s parameters requested by the localized SuiteApp.

    Raw Response

    This field displays the result of the payment template request.

    If the status of the request fails, the result will include the error details.


Editing or creating record of type Payment File Template Request is not allowed in the NetSuite user interface.

Localized Payment File Format

The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp displays the localized payment file formats created via the payment file template request. You can use the localized file formats for payments, receivables, and Positive Pay transactions.

In general, a localized payment file format has the same behavior as the standard or native payment file format. It cannot be modified and can only be use base on the country of operation and template setting. To create a custom template, see Creating Custom Payment File Templates.

To identify which payment file format is localized:

  1. Go to Payments > Setup > Payment File Templates.

  2. On the Payment File Format List page, click View to open a payment file format record from the list.

  3. Look for the From Localization SuiteApp checkbox. If this box is checked, this means that the payment file format record was created by a localized SuiteApp.

    The From Localization SuiteApp is a read-only field in both edit and view mode.

Same with the standard and custom payment file formats, you must set up the relevant bank details and other information that the system requires for localized payment file formats. For information about for your company, vendors, employees, customers, and partners, refer to the Payment Formats topic for your country.

Payment File Templates Ownership Transfer to Localization SuiteApps

The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp supports the following changes for the payment templates in NetSuite 2020.1 release:

Ownership of these native templates are transferred to the Localization SuiteApps to do the following:

This change affects the following:

Guidelines for Payment File Templates Ownership Transfer to Localization SuiteApps

General Notices