Fulfilling Released Orders

You may ship items out of your warehouse for the following reasons:

You ship sales order items to a customer to complete a sale. You ship transfer order items to your company's various warehouse locations.

Before you can ship items out of your warehouse, you must create sales orders or transfer orders. These transactions track the sale, transfer, and shipment of items out of your warehouse. Depending on your business process, when you submit or approve an order, the system commits items to that order.

Using NetSuite WMS, you can include committed items in wave transactions and release them to the warehouse. Released orders can be processed by pickers for fulfillment on the app. For more information, see Releasing Orders to the Warehouse or Item Fulfillments of Released Orders.

Order fulfillment involves shipping the items to fill an open order. When you fulfill an order, you complete separate tasks to pick the items from inventory, pack the items to prepare them for shipping, and then send them out to be shipped to their destination.

NetSuite WMS recognizes and lets you process only transactions that meet the following conditions:

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