Enabling Revenue/Expense Reclassification by Region on the Subsidiary Record

The revenue expense reclassification by region feature enables you to selectively activate this feature in your subsidiaries. This feature allows you to conform to financial requirements where revenue or expenses need to be posted separately by region or tax category.

The following describes the steps for you to enable the revenue and expense reclassification by region feature:

To enable the Reclassify Rev/Exp by Region in your Subsidiary or Company:

  1. Navigate to your subsidiary or company settings.

    • For OpenWorld accounts, go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.

    • For Single Instance accounts, go to Go to Setup > Company > Company Information. Go to Step 4.

  2. Select a subsidiary.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Click Enable Revenue/Expense Reclassification by Region.

  5. (Optional) In the Reclassify Rev/Exp by drop down list, select a reclassification rule. Ship-to Address is selected by default.

Once enabled, you will need to set up the VAT category in your tax codes. See Setting Up VAT Category for Tax Codes.

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