The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) is the highest-ranking executive in a company. The primary responsibilities of the CEO include:

The CEO role includes custom dashboards. The following table highlights the key portlets on the Home dashboard.

Center Type

Custom Center Tabs



  • Home

  • Sales/Marketing

  • Expenses

  • HR

  • Financial

  • Analytics

  • NFP Financial Center

  • Reminders

    (reminders with zero results still appear)

    • Tasks due today (headline)

    • Tasks to complete (standard)

    • Event Invitations to respond to (standard)

  • KPI Meters

    New Constituents

  • Report Snapshots

    • Functional Expenses (on the left)

    • Revenue by Restriction (on the left)

    • Revenue Stream Distribution (on the right)

  • Tiles (custom portlet)

    • Activity

    • Financial

    • Cash Flow

    • Expenses

  • Navigation Shortcuts

    • NFP Executive Management

    • Program Reports

    • Fundraising

    • Other Reports

  • Scorecard

    NFP Executive

    For details on custom scorecards, see Social Impact KPI Scorecards.

  • Key Performance Indicators

    • New Constituents

    • Total # of Constituents

    • Average Individual Gift Amount

    • Average Organization Gift Amount

    • Unrestricted Revenue

    • Restricted Revenue

    • Total Contributions

    • Total Grant Revenue

    For details on the custom KPIs, see Social Impact KPIs.

  • Custom Saved Search

    Giving Statistics by Type

  • Settings (standard portlet)

  • Trend Graphs

    • Quarterly Average Individual Gift Amount

    • Quarterly Average Organization Gift Amount


Account Reconciliation Summary is a portlet added by core NetSuite. For more information about this portlet, see Portlet Types Table.

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General Notices