Social Impact KPI Scorecards

For more information on KPI Scorecards in general, see KPI Scorecards.

For details on the formula-based components, see Social Impact Formulas for Financial Ratios.

The following table lists the KPI Scorecards that can be displayed in your dashboard:


For customization of Social Impact KPI Scorecards, contact your NetSuite account manager.

KPI Scorecards


Periods Available


NFP Executive

Displays the following standard components, saved searches, and formula-based components:

  • Program Expenses

  • Program Expense %

  • Administrative Expense %

  • Fundraising Expense %

  • Cash & Equivalents

  • Days Cash on Hand

  • Daily Operating Expenses

  • Fundraising Efficiency

  • Contributions Ratio

  • This Period

  • Last Period

  • Same Period Last FY

  • This YTD

  • Last YTD

  • NFP Starter Edition

NFP Financial Analytics

Displays the following standard components, saved searches, and formula-based components:

  • Total Expenses

  • Program Expenses

  • Program Expense %

  • Administrative Expenses

  • Administrative Expense %

  • Fundraising Expenses

  • Fundraising Expense %

  • Total Revenue

  • Contribution Revenue

  • Fundraising Efficiency

  • Receivables

  • Receivables Turnover

  • This Week

  • Last Week

  • This MTD

  • Last MTD

  • This FQTD

  • Last FQTD

  • This FYTD

  • Last FYTD

  • NFP Starter Edition

NFP Financials

Displays the following standard components, saved searches, and formula-based components:

  • Program Expense %

  • Administrative Expense %

  • Fundraising Expense %

  • Operating Expenses

  • Current Ratio

  • Cash & Equivalents

  • Days Cash on Hand

  • Fundraising Efficiency

  • Contributions Ratio

  • Receivables Turnover

  • Debt Ratio

  • Debt To Net Assets

  • Pledge Writeoff Rate

  • This Period

  • Last Period

  • Same Period Last FY

  • This YTD

  • Last YTD

  • NFP Starter Edition

NFP Revenue Analytics

Displays the following standard components, saved searches, and formula-based components:

  • Contributions

  • Contribution Ratio

  • Grant Revenue

  • Grant Revenue Ratio

  • Event Revenue

  • Event Revenue Ratio

  • Fee for Service

  • Fee for Service Ratio

  • Recurring Gifts

  • Individual Giving

  • Individual Gift Size

  • Organizational Giving

  • Organizational Gift Size

  • This Week

  • Last Week

  • This MTD

  • Last MTD

  • This FQTD

  • Last FQTD

  • This FYTD

  • Last FYTD

  • NFP Starter Edition

NFP Operations

Displays the following standard components, saved searches, and formula-based components:

  • Program Efficiency %

  • Fundraising Efficiency %

  • Pledge Write-off Rate %

  • Program Expenses

  • Program Efficiency

  • Fundraising Expenses

  • Pledge Write-offs

  • Pledge Write-off Rate

  • This Month

  • Last Month

  • Same Month Last FY

  • This YTD

  • Last YTD

  • NFP Standard Edition

NFP Vendor Performance

Displays the following standard components, saved searches, and formula-based components:

  • # of POs

  • # of Orders Received

  • # of Bills

  • # of Late POs

  • # of Receipts

  • % On Time

  • Average Days Late

  • # of Vendor Returns

  • $ of Vendor Returns

  • Today

  • This Week

  • This Month

  • Last Month

  • This FQTD

  • Last FQTD

  • This FYTD

  • Last FYTD

  • NFP Standard Edition

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General Notices