Create Line Action

Use the Create Line action to add a new line to a transaction record's sublist. You can define how the sublist line is added to the transaction by configuring the Create Line Action Parameters. The Create Line action can be added to a workflow state as an individual action or as part of an action group. For more information about action groups, see Using Action Groups


Workflow definitions require a trigger configuration that initiates the workflow, executes an action within a workflow or transitions the workflow from one state to another.

Create Line Action Parameters

The following table describes the Create Line action parameters:




The type of sublist where the action will create the line.

Items and Expenses (Expense Report) on Transaction Records are the supported sublist types.


The position in the sublist where you want the action to create a line.

Options are After Last Line and Before First Line.


Field values to populate in the sublist line created by the action. The available fields change dynamically depending on the type of sublist selected in the Sublist list.

For each field, select the field name, set the appropriate properties in the other columns, and click Add.


For more information about adding actions to a workflow, including common action properties and conditions, see Action Conditions and Creating an Action.

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