Workflow Actions

Actions are specific tasks performed by a workflow instance based on the properties of a record. You can use actions in workflows to manipulate the fields on the record, add or remove buttons, create new records, send email, and more. After you create a state, you choose the actions you want to execute when the record is in that state. When a record enters a state in a workflow, the workflow instance executes the actions depending on their triggers.

Each action has its own set of parameters, depending on the action type. All actions contain the following elements:

The following screenshot shows two actions that have been added to a state. Both actions are set to execute on the Entry trigger, or when the record in the workflow enters that state. When the record enters the state, the Department field is set to Service and an email is sent to the supervisor of the sales rep.

A screenshot showing what it looks like when two actions have been added to a state.

For a list of all actions available in SuiteFlow, see Workflow Actions Overview.

More Information about Actions

After you create an action, you can move or copy it to another state, reorder the actions on the Actions subtab, inactivate the action, and create action groups.

If the Show Internal IDs preference is enabled on your account, you can see the internal IDs for workflow actions in the following locations:

You can use the workflow action IDs to quickly identify every executed action in context and troubleshoot workflows. For more information about the Show Internal IDs preference, see Setting the Show Internal IDs Preference.

Use the following table to get more information about working with actions in a workflow:


More information

Creating, editing, and deleting actions

Working with Actions

Get more information about action triggers and conditions

Action Triggers and Action Conditions

Get a list of all actions

Workflow Actions Overview

Scheduling an action

Scheduling an Action

Creating action groups

Using Action Groups

Moving and copying actions

Moving an Action

Using actions to accomplish specific tasks

Action Examples, including the following examples:

Action Properties

Each action type in SuiteFlow has parameters that are specific to that action type. For example, the Send Email action has parameters that define the sender and recipient. However, most actions contain common properties that you use to define the execution of the action within the state where you create the action.

The following screenshot shows the Send Email action properties:

A portion of the Workflow Action page showing the Send Email action properties.

For more information about each of these properties, see Creating an Action and Scheduling an Action.

Action Triggers

When a workflow instance is triggered, it always executes the actions of the current state and with the appropriate trigger(s), respecting their order. When actions of the current state are executed, the workflow instance considers all transitions from the current state of the appropriate trigger(s), respecting their order. The first transition matching all its conditions is executed. Next, the workflow moves to the target state and continues executing actions of the target state in the same way. The workflow proceeds executing in this manner if possible. When no more relevant transitions exist, the execution session started by the original executing trigger is finished. If the workflow is in a state which has no transitions and the state is marked as Do Not Exit, the entire workflow instance is finished. Otherwise, the workflow is dormant until another trigger reactivates it.

There is no fixed order for the execution of triggers. The workflow definition and events happening on the record (load, view, save, etc.) determine when a trigger is executed.

SuiteFlow triggers are either server side or client side:

Server side triggers can be further classified as follows:

There are a few rules regarding the order or trigger execution:

Action Conditions

Actions can execute based on a condition. If an action has a condition associated with it, the action executes only if the condition is met. You can create conditions using the Condition Builder or using custom formulas.

If you want to create multiple actions with the same set of conditions, you can use action groups. For more information, see Using Action Groups. For more information about conditions, see Workflow Conditions.

The following screenshot shows a Send Email action that will execute in one day from the time the record enters the state, if the Total Hours field on the record is equal to or greater than 100:

A screenshot showing a Send Email action that will execute in one day from the time the record enters the state, if the Total Hours field on the record is equal to or greater than 100.

If an action executes on a client trigger, a custom formula must be in SuiteScript. If an action executes on a server trigger, a custom formula must be in SQL.

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