Executing an Action with a Saved Search Condition

You can use a saved search on an action as a condition. The action does not execute unless the record in the workflow is returned by the saved search. When the trigger for the action executes, NetSuite runs the saved search and executes the action if the record is returned in the search. Unlike the behavior for scheduled actions, NetSuite runs the saved search immediately.

The following example shows how to execute a Send Email action in a state if the customer credit limit is greater than $10,000. You can use a similar method for other actions.

To use a saved search as a condition on an action:

  1. Create a saved search for Customer records with a credit limit of more than $10,000. See Defining a Saved Search.


    The record type for the saved search must be the same as the base record type in the workflow definition.

  2. Create an action and select the saved search in the Saved Search dropdown list for the action. In this example, the saved search is Customer Credit Limit > 10k:

    A sample workflow that includes a saved search that executes on Customer Credit Limit > 10k.

In this example, when the record enters the state, the Send Email action executes if the customer associated with the record has a credit limit over $10,000.


Use a server trigger with an action with a saved search as a condition. NetSuite ignores the saved search if the action executes on a client trigger.

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