Defining a Saved Search
You can use SuiteAnalytics Workbook to query your NetSuite data using the analytics data source, which offers advanced query capabilities. For more information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook and how you can recreate your existing saved searches to workbooks, see the following topics:
To create a saved search, you need to access a saved search definition page for a selected record type.
You can access a saved search definition page in any of the following ways:
Go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches > New and select the record type for the saved search.
On a simple or advanced search definition page, click the Create Saved Search button.
On a search results page, click the Save This Search button.
For an existing saved search, go to Reports > Saved Searches > All Saved Searches, and click Edit next to the saved search you want to redefine. The maximum number of saved searches available in the NetSuite navigation menu is 100.
To define a saved search:
On a saved search definition page, enter a title for the saved search.
Try to make the title concise and meaningful, as it may appear in menu links, as a dashboard portlet header, or as a custom KPI name.
If you are editing an existing saved search, you can use the Owner dropdown menu to change the search owner. By default, the user who created the saved search is the owner of the search.
The Owner dropdown menu is available to administrators and, if the search is public or has an audience defined, to the search owner.
Warning:If the owner of a scheduled saved search is changed to another user who has never previously scheduled a saved search, the search email is no longer sent at the scheduled time. For scheduled email for this search to resume, the new owner must log in with the appropriate role and resave the search.
If you want the search to be available to all users, check the Public box. If not, you can define a more limited audience on the Audience subtab.
The Public box and the Audience subtab are available only to administrators and to other users with at least Create level of the Publish Search permission, a Lists type permission.
Making a saved search public means all users can run the search and see its results. Even for public searches, only administrators and the search owner, meaning its creator, can edit the search. To allow other audience members to edit saved search definitions, you need to check the Allow Audience to Edit box on the Audience subtab.
To save or delete a search marked as Public, you need to have the Publish Search permission. This applies also to saved searches you own. For more information, see Editing or Deleting a Saved Search.
Customers, vendors, and partners other than advanced partners generally do not have access to saved searches, even those that are defined as public. If these types of users do gain access to a published saved search, they can run the search only if they have permission to view the search record type, and the search returns only their own records. However, if your saved search contains sensitive information, you should not make it public, and instead use the fields on the Audience subtab to define a more limited audience.
Check any of the following boxes, if you want search results to be available as views for list pages of the searched record type.
Available as List View
Available as Dashboard View
Available as Sublist View
If you want these views available to a subset of the audience, leave these boxes blank, and check the corresponding boxes on the Roles subtab. For more information, see Using a Saved Search as a View.
If you want to be able to link to search results from the Reminders portlet, check the Available for Reminders box. For more information, see Creating Custom Reminders.
If you want this search to be available in menus, check the Show in Menu box.
On the Criteria subtab, define criteria to filter saved search records. These criteria can include dynamically calculated field values, including join fields; formulas containing SQL functions, as well as AND/OR expressions. For information, see:
Note:To use a saved search as a custom KPI that displays results for multiple date ranges, you must not define a date field as a filter on the Criteria subtab. For additional requirements for this type of custom KPI, see Notes on Using Saved Searches as Custom KPIs.
On the Results subtab, define display options for saved search results, including:
In the subtab header:
Sort order of results records, or rows
Note:A saved search must include at least one sort order. If you do not specify a column in the Sort By field, when the record is saved, the first column specified on the Columns subtab is used for sorting. For saved searches with large data sets, set Sort By to the same columns that you added on the Results subtab.
Output type, meaning overall format for the results page
Show Totals option to display a total line on results page
Run Unrestricted option to make search results available to users who would normally be restricted from seeing the underlying records. Note that users without the correct permissions will still be unable to view the search results. See Permissions and Restrictions
Important:The Run Unrestricted option is not applied to time and expense searches by users that have roles with the Restrict Time and Expenses option enabled. Employees using a role with the Restrict Time and Expenses option enabled cannot enter expense reports or time transactions on behalf of other employees and their reports and searches do not return any time or expense transactions entered by other employees. The Restrict Time and Expenses option for a role overrides the Run Unrestricted option for a search.
Disallow Drill Down option to prevent users of unrestricted search results from drilling down to more detailed data
Max Results option to limit the number of records displayed in results
My Preferred Search Results option to apply search settings to quick search results pages (See Defining a Saved Search as Preferred Results.)
On the Columns subtab:
Order of columns
Fields or formula calculations to be displayed as columns on the search results page, including:
Custom labels for one or more fields
Summary types to group one or more fields' values (including group, sum, count, min, max, and average)
Functions to be applied to one or more fields' values
On the Drill Down Fields subtab (if available):
Note:This subtab is available if you have the Presentation Categories permission, a Lists type permission. You do not have to be an administrator.
Fields, including join fields, to be displayed when a viewer of search results drills down on a record
The order in which drill down fields are displayed
Custom labels for displayed drill down fields
For more information, see Search Results Display Options.
On the Available Filters subtab, define fields or formulas to appear as filters on the results pages. For information, see Selecting Available Filters for Saved Searches.
Note:To use a saved search as a custom KPI that displays results for multiple date ranges, you must define a date field as an available filter. You do not need to check the Show in Filter Region box. For additional requirements for this type of custom KPI, see Notes on Using Saved Searches as Custom KPIs.
(If you have at least the Create level of the Publish Search permission) On the Audience subtab, define the users who can run the saved search and view its results, and whether they can edit its definitions. For information, see Defining Audiences for Saved Searches.
(If you have at least the Create level of the Publish Search permission) On the Roles subtab, define the users who will see search results as their view of the selected record type, in lists, sublists, dashboard list portlets, forms, and quick search results. For information, see Using a Saved Search as a View and Defining a Saved Search as a Preferred Search Form.
(If you have at least the Create level of the Publish Search permission) On the Email subtab, you can send search results email, as alerts triggered by record changes, according to a schedule, or both.
Check the Send Alerts When Records are Created/Updated box to send email alert messages when saved search results are added or updated, and then define recipients for alerts. For information, see Enabling Saved Search Email Alerts.
You can make alerts available to users other than defined recipients by checking the Public and Allow Users to Subscribe boxes. Then users can go to Home > Set Preferences and elect to receive alerts. For information, see Setting User Preferences to Receive Saved Search Alerts.
Check the Send Emails According to Schedule box to set up the search to be run on a certain date or interval, with results emailed to yourself, other users, or both. For information, see Enabling Saved Search Scheduled Email. Scheduling is a good option for saved searches that take a long time to run.
For more information, see Saved Search Email.
On the Highlighting subtab, you can set up visuals to draw attention to selected individual or aggregated results. Highlighting options include images, colored text, background colors, and bold text. For information, see:
After you have completed saved search definitions, you can do the following:
Click Preview to review search results without saving the search definitions.
Click Save to save search definitions and make the search available to be run by yourself and other audience members.
Click Save & Run to save search definitions and review search results.
Click Save & Email to save search definitions and email results to the recipient(s) you set up on the Email, Specific Recipients subtab. (available only if you have the Publish Search permission)
For information about viewing saved search results, see Displaying Saved Search Results on Your Dashboard.
Notes on Using Saved Searches as Custom KPIs
For a saved search to be used as a custom KPI that displays results for multiple date ranges in the Key Performance Indicators portlet, a KPI scorecard, a trend graph, or a KPI meter, the search definition must:
Not include any date fields defined as filters on the Criteria subtab
Have only field with a summary type (such as group, sum, or count) defined on the Results subtab.
Have a date field defined as an available filter on the Available Filters subtab.
For more information, see Custom KPIs.