Analytics Data Source Changes

The analytics data source is different than the data sources used by the NetSuite Saved Search and Report applications. In the analytics data source, concrete record types that have a corresponding entry form in NetSuite remain mostly unchanged and use the same field labels. For example, the employee record type in SuiteAnalytics Workbook contains mostly all the of fields that are on the NetSuite employee form, with the same field labels that are used in saved searches and reports. Generic record types that do not have a single corresponding form in NetSuite, such as the transaction, entity, and item record types, use generic field labels. This is because generic record types are representative of multiple concrete record types. Additionally, some fields in the analytics data source are accessible through different record types than in saved searches and reports.

The layout of the analytics data source means that the names of some record types and fields have changed or appear differently than on NetSuite forms, saved searches, and reports. Some fields, such as those with calculated values, have also not been ported to the data source and other fields are only accessible by joining specific record types. Furthermore, the analytics data source includes some record types and fields that have been created specifically for SuiteAnalytics Workbook and are not available through saved searches and reports.

To help you learn about the analytics data source, the following resources are available in the Workbook user interface and the NetSuite Help Center:

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