Number of Fulfillments


Users with the Analytics Administrator permission can view a predefined version of this workbook from the Analytics Home Page. For more information, see Workbook and Dataset Templates.

This saved search shows the number of items which have been fulfilled.

To perform this search using the Saved Search application, all required criteria and results fields are available through the transaction record type. To recreate this search using SuiteAnalytics Workbook however, some required fields are only available through the transaction line record type. You must therefore join this record type to your dataset to recreate the search. Additionally, some required fields might have different labels in Workbook. The following table lists key differences in fields between the saved search and the workbook:

Key Field Differences in Workbook

Field Name in Saved Search

Record Type in Workbook

Required Join in Workbook

Field Name in Workbook


Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line




Posting Period


Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line

Amount (Net)

Main Line

Transaction Line

Transaction > Transaction Line

Main Line

To recreate this search using Workbook:

Create a new dataset and select transaction as the root record type. Then, define the dataset as follows:

Root Record Type

Joined Record Type(s)

Custom Formula Field(s)

Data Grid



Transaction Line

Add the following fields to the grid from the transaction record type:

  • Transaction

  • Date

  • Due Date

  • Type

  • Total Amount (Transaction Currency)

  • Entity

  • Posting Period

Add the following field to the grid from the transaction line record type:

  • Location

Set the following criteria on the Dataset Builder using fields from the transaction record type:

  • Type is Item Fulfillment

Set the following criteria using fields from the transaction line record type:

  • Main Line — Yes

Number of Fulfillments Pivot Tables

Create a new workbook using the Number of Fulfillments dataset you created, and set the following fields to the appropriate dimensions for each pivot table:

After you set each field to the appropriate table dimension, click the Refresh icon Report refresh icon to generate the table.

You can also customize the table and add totals and grand totals, or rename each table. For more information, see Pivot Table Customization.

Number of Fulfillments Chart

By recreating this saved search using Workbook, you can chart your source data to visualize the information using different chart types.

Create the following chart by dragging the listed fields from the Dataset Panel to the Layout panel, and select the chart type.

After you set each field, click the Refresh Report refresh icon icon to generate the chart. You can also filter values, add a title and subtitle, and rename each axis. For more information, see Workbook Charts.

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General Notices