Setting User Preferences to Receive Saved Search Alerts

Users can set individual preferences to receive alerts about saved searches for which an administrator has defined them as eligible recipients.

Note the following:

To set preferences to receive saved search alerts:

  1. Go to Home > Set Preferences.

  2. On the Set Preferences page, click the Alerts subtab.

  3. Select the time(s) when you want to receive email alerts.

  4. Enable the Include links in HTML alerts option to have the key indicators and reminders included in your alerts appear as links.

    When you click a link, a browser window opens where you can log in to NetSuite and view the report for that key indicator or reminder.

  5. If you want to send on-demand alerts, enable the Send an On-Demand Alert from this Role option.

    On-demand alerts enable you to send email to or to reply to an alert email and receive an email from NetSuite with the contents of your dashboard to your login email address.

  6. If you want to base email alerts on a date other than the one set in your dashboard's Quick Date Selector portlet, disable the Respect Quick Date Portlet settings box. By default, this preference is enabled.

  7. If you want alerts to be sent to an alternate email address, select from the E-Mail dropdown list.

  8. To select one or more saved searches for which you want to receive alerts:

    1. In the Record Type dropdown list, select the type of record returned by the saved search. (Not all record types are available. For a list, see Types of Saved Searches Available for Alerts.)

    2. In the Search dropdown list, select the saved search. (Only public saved searches marked as Allow Users to Subscribe appear in the dropdown list.)

    3. If you to receive alerts for updates as well as adds, enable the Send on Update option.

    4. If you have enabled the Send on Update option, and you want these alerts to include information about changes, enable the Show Recent Changes option.

    5. Click Add.

    6. Repeat these steps to add each saved search for which you would like to receive an email alert.

  9. Click Save.

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