Enabling Saved Search Scheduled Email

You can define a schedule to automatically email the results of a saved search to yourself and other users, on a specific date, or at regularly recurring intervals.


Be aware that only one scheduled saved search can run at a time per user, with up to 200 concurrent scheduled saved searches per NetSuite implementation. When multiple saved searches are scheduled by a user for the same time, then only one search is executed and all other searches are waiting. If the search execution time becomes too big for all of the scheduled searches waiting to be executed at a single time, the scheduling process is blocked. If this issue occurs, the user needs to update scheduling on saved search definition pages to cancel all waiting processes so that schedule searches can be processed correctly. You can avoid this issue by scheduling searches at different times.

To enable scheduled email for a saved search:

  1. On a saved search page's Email subtab, enable the Send Emails According to Schedule option.

  2. To set up the schedule for sending emails, click the Schedule subtab.

    1. Select the interval at which you would like to email the search results, or click Single Event to email the search results only one time.

    2. As you select each interval, additional options are displayed for you to select. For example, if you select Weekly Event, you then can select the individual day of the week on which to send the results.

    3. Select a series start date. This is the first day on which the search is run and its results are emailed.

      For a monthly or weekly event, the value entered for Start Date should match the selection(s) made for the series interval. For example, for a Start Date of 9-8-2014, which is a Monday:

      • For a monthly event, the day in the Start Date should match the selection in the option buttons. In this example, you should enter 8 for Day, if this option is selected, or select the second Monday.

      • For a weekly event, the day of the Start Date should match the selected day of the week. In this example, you should check the Monday box.

    4. Select a series start time. This is the time of day that the search is run and its results are emailed.

    5. Select an end date in the End By field or check the No End Date box to continue running the search and emailing its results indefinitely.

  3. To specify recipients by user name, group name, or both, click the Specific Recipients subtab.

    On each scheduled date, a single email message is sent, with all specified recipients (except those marked Bcc) listed in the To field, and full search results included. If a group defined as a scheduled search email recipient has an email address, that address is used in the To or Bcc fields of the message containing the results; otherwise individual email addresses for group members are used.

    1. Select a user or group in the Recipient field. Click the Expand arrows icon button and select List to open the Choose Recipient dialog. Notice that you can limit the list of possible recipients to a specific type: contacts, customers, employees, groups, partners, or vendors. By default all types are listed.

    2. If you do not want other users to see this recipient listed, enable the Bcc option.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Repeat these steps for other users and groups as necessary.

  4. To target recipients based on values of search results fields, click the Recipients from Results subtab.

    On each scheduled date, separate email messages are sent to all recipients who match search results values for the selected field(s). Each message includes only search results with values matching the recipient. By default, each recipient receives one message with a summary of all matching results.

    1. Select a field from the Recipient Field dropdown list and click Add, repeating as necessary.

      Available options include entity and email type fields. For example, for a Customer saved search, you can select Sales Rep.

    2. To send a separate email message for each matching result, rather than a summary of all matching results, to each recipient derived from results, disable the Summarize Scheduled Emails option.

      This option can be used for drip marketing.

  5. To customize email message text, click the Customize Message subtab.

    Some customization options apply to all scheduled email. Some options apply only to “single-record results”. (These occur when the Summarize Scheduled Emails option has been disabled).

    1. In the From field, enter the sender’s name and email address. For required format details, see Required Format for Saved Search Email Sender.

    2. In the Subject field, enter optional custom text. For single-record results only, you can include values from search results fields by entering field IDs enclosed in curly braces {fieldID}.

    3. In the Introduction field, enter optional custom text to appear before search results.

    4. For single-record results only, enter custom message body text in the Single-Record Results field.

      • You can include values from search results fields in this text by entering field IDs enclosed in curly braces {fieldID}. Select a field in the Insert Field dropdown list to insert its field ID.

      • Use the syntax <%=formula%> to add formulas to the text. Formulas can include {fieldID} references.

      • You can define email body text as an entire HTML page (by enclosing it with HTML tags), to send email content exactly as specified, with no additional styles, View Record link, or introduction.

    5. Select an option button to indicate whether search results should be: embedded in the email message, attached as a .csv file, or attached as an .xls file.

      (This option is unavailable to single-record results.)

    6. If you do not want to include a separate record link for each results row, disable Include View Record. When this option is disabled, one link appears at the bottom. When this option is enabled, a link appears for each row/record.

  6. Click Preview, Save, Save & Run, or Save & Email.

Scheduled Search Email Limitations

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