SuiteFlow Overview

Use SuiteFlow to create and execute workflows in NetSuite. A workflow is the definition of a custom business process for a standard or custom record in NetSuite. Business processes can include transaction approval, lead nurturing, and record management. A workflow defines and automates the business process. Watch the following help video for a basic overview of the SuiteFlow feature.

To view, create, and edit workflows, you must have the appropriate permission and permission level required for working with the base record types in the workflow. For access to all SuiteFlow functionality, use the Administrator role. For more information, see Required Permissions for SuiteFlow.

You define workflows for a specific record type and contain the stages, or states, of a record as it moves through the business process. In each state, a workflow defines the actions to be performed, like sending emails or adding buttons to a record form, before the workflow completes or transitions to another state. A workflow can move between different states, or transition, depending on the business process requirements. The actions and transitions can contain conditions that must be met before the action or transitions execute.

NetSuite starts an instance of a workflow on a record and a record transitions between states in a workflow based on specific triggers. Triggers are events that occur when records are viewed, created, or updated. You can also direct NetSuite to run workflow instances on records based on a schedule.

Use the Workflow Manager Interface interface in SuiteFlow to create and edit workflows. Create workflows in the Workflow Manager and a workflow instance initiates and executes according to the defined business process.

The following diagram shows a sample approval business process for an estimate:


In the following example, a sales rep creates an Estimate record. SuiteFlow initiates an instance of the approval workflow to automate the approval process for the estimate. Workflow actions and conditions on each state determine how the estimate transitions through the approval process.

The following table describes the states in the workflow and their associated actions and transitions when the sales rep creates the record:



State 1 Entry

The first state a record enters in the workflow after estimate creation is State 1 Entry. This state begins the approval process.

The Entry state sets the Approval Status field of the estimate to Pending Approval and then executes transitions according to the following conditions:

  • If the sales rep has a supervisor, the estimate transitions to State 2 Pending Approval.

  • If the sales rep has no supervisor and the estimate value is less than $50,000, the estimate transitions to State 3b Approved.

  • If the sales rep has no supervisor and the estimate value is $50,000 or greater, the estimate transitions to State 3a Finance Approval.

State 2 Pending Approval

This state locks the record to anyone other than the sales rep’s supervisor and adds Approve and Reject buttons to the record form.

Each button is set up to transition to a different state. The next transition depends on the button clicked:

  • Approve. If the estimate value is less than $50,000, record transitions to State 3b Approved. If the estimate value is $50,000 or greater, the estimate transitions to State 3a Finance Approval.

  • Reject. The estimate transitions to State 4 Rejected.

State 3a Finance Approval

This state locks the record to anyone other than the Finance Manager and adds Approve and Reject buttons to the record form.

The next transition depends on the button clicked:

  • Approve. The estimate transitions to State 3b Approved.

  • Reject. The estimate transitions to State 4 Rejected.

State 3b Approved

Sets the Approval Status field of the estimate to Approved and the workflow completes.

State 4 Rejected

Sets the Approval Status field of the estimate to Rejected and the workflow completes.

Getting Information About SuiteFlow

The following table describes SuiteFlow concepts and where you can get more information:



Workflow Manager interface

Use the Workflow Manager interface to create and edit workflows. The interface includes the workflow definition page, diagrammer, and context panel. See Workflow Manager Interface.

Workflow elements overview

Overview of each workflow element and links to more information about using the element. See Workflow Elements.

Workflow audience

The types of users who can create or run workflows. See Workflow Audience.

Workflow initiation

Definition for when NetSuite starts a workflow instance on a record. See Workflow Initiation.


Follow the steps in the tutorial to create a workflow based on an Opportunity record. Use the steps in the tutorial to become familiar with creating the basic elements of a workflow, including states, actions, transitions, and conditions. See Creating Your First Workflow.

Creating and editing workflows and workflow elements

All the procedures and description of the options required to create a workflow. See Working with Workflows.

Administering workflows

After you create a workflow, you can perform specific administration tasks. These tasks include Searching for workflows, canceling instances, performing mass updates, and bundling workflows. See Workflow Administration.

Reference information

Get more information about the triggers and actions for workflow. Includes detailed information about each server and client trigger and each action types that you can use in a workflow, in addition to examples of use for workflow elements. See SuiteFlow Reference and Examples.

Testing and troubleshooting workflows

During workflow development, you need to test your workflows. NetSuite tracks workflow instance activity and generates execution logs to assist you with workflow testing and troubleshooting. See Testing and Troubleshooting Workflows.

Example workflows

Use the examples to see how to create certain types of workflows. Each example includes the detailed steps required to create and then test the workflow. See Workflow Samples.

Accessing SuiteFlow

To access the SuiteFlow UI, you need to have the SuiteFlow feature enabled in your NetSuite account. You also need to use a role that has the Workflow permission assigned to it. For more information about enabling the SuiteFlow feature, see Enabling SuiteFlow. For more information about SuiteFlow permissions, see Required Permissions for SuiteFlow.

To access the SuiteFlow UI, go to Customization > Workflow > Workflows. To create a new workflow, click New Workflow.

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