Workflow Administration

Use workflow administration in SuiteFlow to perform searches, initiate, process, and cancel workflow instances, and bundle workflows.

The following table lists the workflow administration tasks:



Search workflows

Search for workflow definitions or workflow instances. See Workflow Searches.

Initiate, process, or cancel workflows

Use the Mass Update feature in NetSuite to initiate workflows, process workflow instances, or cancel workflow instances. See Workflow Mass Updates.

Workflow governance

Refer to workflow governance to view the unit usage limits for workflows and workflow actions. See Script Type Usage Unit Limits.

Bundle workflows

Use SuiteBundler to bundle a workflow and install it into a different NetSuite account. See Bundling a Workflow.

Specify when workflow instances and history records are kept for a workflow

Specify whether to keep workflow instances and history records Only When Testing, Never, or Always. See Disabling History for a Workflow.

Delete workflow instances and history records

Use the History Record Statistics feature to delete workflow instances and history records. See Deleting Workflow Instances and History Records.

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