Workflow Searches

You can use NetSuite to search for workflow definitions and workflow instances. You can either use a basic search or an advanced search for definitions and instances. When you perform a basic search, you use an interface unique to SuiteFlow. When you use an advanced search, you use the standard NetSuite search interface to search for workflow definitions and workflow instances.

Use a workflow search to get information such as which workflows are running, which workflows are inactive, which record types are used in workflows, which employees are using certain workflows, or which workflows came from a bundle installation.

The type of search you use depends on the type of information you want to view:

Type of Search

Type of Search Results

More Information

Workflow definition

For basic searches, search for all workflow definitions that contain properties specified by the search criteria, including workflow name, description, trigger type, and other properties specific to a workflow definition.

For advanced searches, you can search for any workflow definition property.

Workflow Definition Search

Workflow instance

For basic searches, search for all workflow instances that contain properties specified by the search criteria, including workflow name, last state entered, date entered and exited workflow, and the date the instance entered a specific state.

For advanced searches, you can also search for fields specific to the record for the workflow instance, buttons added with the Add Button action, custom fields, and workflow history fields.

Workflow Instance Search

After you run a workflow search, you can save the search and then add a shortcut to the search results on your dashboard. See Adding Workflow Search Results to the Dashboard.


If you want to search for workflows based on the date the workflow was modified, you should audit the System Notes instead of performing a workflow search. For more information, see Searching System Notes.

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General Notices