Workflow Audience

There are two types of workflow users:

Users Who Can Create and View Workflows

NetSuite administrators and users with the Workflow permission assigned to their role can create and view workflows. Administrators can modify any workflow in the system, even if they are not the owners of a workflow. Users who are not an administrator, but who have the Workflow permission, can create and edit any workflows on records for which they have the full permission level assigned. To access, create, or modify a workflow, it is also necessary for users to have the feature related to the workflow base record enabled in their account.

Administrators can assign the Workflow permission to a role by going to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles. See Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

Administrators and users with the Workflow permission on their role can also perform the following tasks:

Users Who Can Run Workflows

Workflow instances run on records transparently to the user. Users create or update a record and do not know that by creating, viewing, or updating a record they are putting the record into a workflow.

Workflows run for any user depending on the following conditions:

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