Dynamic Mode for Workflows

Workflows almost always run in dynamic mode. Consequently, the dynamic effects of setting field values including validation, sourcing, and calculation are visible in real-time when running workflows. This visibility lets subsequent actions and transitions to react to these dynamic effects.

See the following sections:

Dynamic Versus Standard Mode in Workflows

The following example shows the difference between dynamic and standard mode in a workflow.

A workflow on a Task record* has two Set Field Value actions in the following order:

  1. Set the Status field to Completed.

  2. Set the Message field to Completed after due date! when the Date Completed field is set to a date after the specified due date.

*The Task record has a built-in logic which automatically sets the Date Completed field to today when the Status field is changed to Completed.

In dynamic mode, the Date Completed field is automatically set to today’s date when the Status field is set to Completed. If today’s date is later than the task’s specified due date, the Message field is set to Completed after due date! This is possible in dynamic mode because the second action can immediately see the first action’s effects.

In the same case in standard mode, the Message field remains empty, because the second action cannot see the first action’s effects. The record must first be saved for the effects of the first action to be seen on the record.

Order of Setting Fields in Standard and Dynamic Modes

In standard mode, regardless of the order of Set Field Value actions, values are effectively set and the dynamic effects are executed in a pre-defined order when the record is saved after the workflow runs.

In dynamic mode, the order of the Set Field Value actions needs to match the order that a user interacts with the record on the UI. This is because the actions’ related dynamic effects are immediately executed in this order within the workflow’s execution.

The following example shows problems with ordering Set Field Value actions.

A workflow has two Set Field Value actions in the following order:

  1. Contact field = John Black from Big Company

  2. Company field = Big Company

In standard mode, the workflow actions run without error. First, the Company field is set to Big Company, then the Contact field is set to John Black from Big Company.

In dynamic mode, the workflow would fail, resulting in an error similar to Invalid contact reference key for company 165. This is because the contact is set, but the company has not yet been set. Therefore, John Black from Big Company is not considered to be a valid value for the Contact field and an error results.

Dynamic Mode Limitations in Workflows

In some cases, SuiteFlow cannot use dynamic mode. These cases include actions and transitions on Before Record Load.

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