Workflow Elements

The following table describes the elements of a workflow:



Base record

Record type for which you create a workflow. See Workflow Base Record.


Correspond to a stage or status of a record within a specific business process. See Workflow States.


Based on events that occur during the processing of a record or user activity on a record. See Workflow Triggers.


Used to perform specific tasks based on the properties of a record. See Workflow Actions.


Moves a record to another state in a workflow. See Workflow Transitions.


Requirements that must be met for a workflow to initiate or an action or transition to execute. See Workflow Conditions.

Custom fields

Variables that you can use in workflows, actions, and transitions. See Workflow Custom Fields.


The nature and number of modifications made to a workflow’s definition or any of its children. See Workflow Revisions.

Workflows can initiate and actions and transitions can execute based on specific event types and context types. See Workflow Event Types and Execution Contexts and Workflows.

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