Currency Revaluation Transactions

Currency revaluation is a system-generated transaction that records the impact to base currency valuation due to exchange rate fluctuations. NetSuite generates several types of currency revaluation transactions. The type is displayed in parentheses at the top of the transaction record.

To view currency revaluation transactions, go to Transactions > Financial > Revalue Open Currency Balances > List. Currency revaluation transactions have two subtabs: Details and GL Impact. The Details subtab for unrealized gain/loss transactions includes additional subtabs. For details, see Revaluation Record Details.

If you use the Currency Exchange Rate Types feature, your currency revaluations use the default currency exchange rate type. For more information, see Currency Exchange Rate Types.

You can edit currency revaluation transactions only when the transaction period is open. Editing for most currency revaluation transactions is limited to the Memo field and fields in the Classification group. For rounding and realized gain/loss, however, you can also edit the Posting Period. You can search for currency revaluation transactions by Memo field and classification values.

The currency revaluation fields are described in the following table.



Posting Period

The accounting period in which the revaluation is posted.

Transaction Number

The system-generated number for this currency revaluation.

Ref No.

The reference number for this currency revaluation.


The subsidiary for the revaluation.

Accounting Book

The accounting book for the revaluation. This field is included only when the Multi-Book Accounting feature is enabled.


Enter a description of the revaluation transaction. You can search for transactions by Memo field values.


The base currency of the subsidiary.

Total Variance

The net gain or loss amount resulting from the revaluation. The amount is calculated from the values shown in the Details subtab. The accounts affected are shown in the GL Impact subtab with amounts.

Created From

A link to the transaction which triggered the currency revaluation. This field is included only in currency revaluations of the Realized Gain/Loss and Rounding Gain/Loss types.

Source Transaction

A link to the original posting transaction. This field is included only in currency revaluations of the Realized Gain/Loss type.

The default accounts for posting currency revaluation transactions are listed in Foreign Currency Revaluation. If you use the Foreign Currency Variance Mapping feature, the posting accounts may be different. For more information, see Foreign Currency Variance Mapping and its subtopics.

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General Notices