Reclassification by Region Lookup Logic

The following describes the logic on how the Revenue Expense Reclassification by Region feature looks up the accounts to reclassify your transactions.

  1. NetSuite will check if the feature is activated for the selected subsidiary.

  2. NetSuite will check what is the selected mode in the Reclassify Rev/Exp by field.

    If Ship-to Address:

    • If the transaction’s Ship-to address and the subsidiary/company’s address are the same, NetSuite uses the domestic revenue or expense accounts.

    • If the transaction’s Ship-to address and the subsidiary/company’s address are not the same, NetSuite checks if the Ship-to address country is part of the EU countries list. If it is part of the list, NetSuite uses the selected EU revenue or expense account.

    • If the transaction’s Ship-to country address and the subsidiary/company’s country address are not the same and it is not part of the EU countries list, NetSuite uses the ROW revenue or expense account.

    • If there is no shipping address in the transaction, NetSuite uses the billing address instead.

    • If there are no shipping and billing addresses available in the transaction, journals are not created.

    If Bill-to Address, NetSuite only uses the billing address in your transactions. if the billing address is not available, no journal is created.


Re-running the script will force NetSuite to delete previously-created journal entries before creating new ones.


If you need to delete transactions that are reclassified, you will need to delete the reclassification journal entries first before deleting those transactions.

General Notices