Operation of Rule-Based Recognition Treatment

The recognition treatment lookup process is part of the process that creates and updates revenue arrangements. The treatment lookup occurs prior to allocation when new revenue arrangements are created or merged. If revenue arrangements are not compliant, the lookup process runs again when revenue arrangements are updated. For more information, see Compliant Indicator for Revenue Arrangements.

The treatment lookup process evaluates treatment rules to determine whether to apply a recognition treatment to a revenue element. The process begins with the highest priority rule (priority number 1) and continues until it finds a rule that matches the element. When the process finds a match, it ends. If the process does not find a matching rule for the revenue element, NetSuite does not apply a recognition treatment to the element.

The treatment lookup process does not consider revenue elements that are sourced from journal entries.

Recognition treatments and recognition treatment rules should rarely change. For information about adjusting the initial setup, see Setup for Rule-Based Recognition Treatment.

The following topics contain instructions for working with recognition treatments and rules after the initial setup:

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General Notices