Running the Recognition Treatment Lookup Process Manually

The recognition treatment lookup process runs automatically prior to allocation when new revenue arrangements are created or merged. You can also run the lookup process manually to apply recognition treatments to the elements of a specific revenue arrangement using the Apply Treatments button.

The Apply Treatments button does not appear on compliant revenue arrangements or when the Exclude from Treatment Lookup box is checked on all revenue elements. To apply treatments to revenue arrangements, the Compliant box on the header of the arrangement and at least one revenue element’s Exclude from Treatment Lookup box must be clear. For more information, see Compliant Indicator for Revenue Arrangements and Excluding Revenue Elements from Treatment Lookup.

To run the treatment lookup process manually:

  1. Go to Transactions > Financial > Transaction Creation > Revenue Arrangements, and click View next to the revenue arrangement to which you want to apply the recognition treatment.

  2. If the Compliant box is checked on the revenue arrangement:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. Clear the Compliant box, and click Save.

  3. Click Apply Treatments and wait for the process to run.

  4. Click Allocate.

    When the allocation process is complete, you should see a check in the Compliant box again. If the box remains clear, allocation has failed. Investigate the error on the Revenue Arrangement Message subtab, correct the problem, and click Allocate again.

  5. Click Update Revenue Plans to ensure your revenue plans include any changes.

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