Handling Customer Deposits in Mexico

This section refers to the appendix 6 of the official SAT Guide for filling CFDIs (Anexo 20).

In Mexico, a customer deposit is considered an advance payment made by a customer when:

In NetSuite, when a customer makes an advance payment for an order or project, you can record the funds received through a Customer Deposit transaction.

However, in Mexico, the SAT requires a specific process to issue CFDIs for customer deposits. To be compliant with the SAT, you must use a Cash Sale transaction to record the deposit amount. When the final good or service has been determined, the SAT requires you to issue specific CFDIs and relate them to the customer deposit.

Follow one of the following options to record a customer deposit in Mexico:


Do not use the NetSuite Customer Deposit transaction to record advance payments in Mexico.

Alternative A






CFDI 1: Cash Sale

Customer Deposit Amount

When you receive the customer deposit, create a CFDI from a Cash Sale for the deposit amount.

SAT Payment Method

Select the payment method used for this transaction (select “99 – To be defined” if you are using remaining balance from a previous payment).

SAT Payment Term

Select “PUE – Single Payment”.

SAT Item Code

Enter “84111506”.


Enter “1”.

SAT Unit Code

Enter “ACT”.


Enter “Anticipo del bien o servicio” (Advance payment for the good or service).


Enter the deposit amount before taxes.

CFDI 2: Invoice/Cash Sale

Sale Total Amount

When the customer acquires the final good or service, create a CFDI from an Invoice or Cash Sale transaction for the sale total amount.

This Invoice or Cash Sale must be related to CFDI 1.

SAT Payment Method

Select the payment term used for this transaction.

SAT Payment Term

Select the payment term used for this transaction.

Relationship Type

Select ‘07- CFDI by Advance Payment”.

Related CFDI

Select the CFDI issued for the customer deposit (CFDI 1). The UUID of the related CFDI shows.

CFDI 3: Credit Memo

Deposit Amount Applied

After issuing CFDI 2, create a CFDI from a Credit Memo to apply the deposit amount against the sale total amount.

Relationship Type

Select ‘07- CFDI by Advance Payment”.

Related CFDI

Select the CFDI issued for the sale total amount (CFDI 2). The UUID of the related CFDI shows.

SAT Item Code

Enter “84111506”.


Enter “1”.

SAT Unit Code

Enter “ACT”.


Enter “Aplicación de anticipo” (Advance payment applied).


Enter the deposit amount before taxes.

Alternative B






CFDI 1: Cash Sale

Customer Deposit Amount

When you receive the customer deposit, create a CFDI from a Cash Sale for the deposit amount.

SAT Payment Method

Select the payment method used for this transaction (select “99 – To be defined” if you are using remaining balance from a previous payment).

SAT Payment Term

Select “PUE – Single Payment”.

SAT Item Code

Enter “84111506”.


Enter “1”.

SAT Unit Code

Enter “ACT”.


Enter “Anticipo del bien o servicio” (Advance payment for the good or service).


Enter the deposit amount before taxes.

CFDI 2: Invoice/Cash Sale

Remaining Amount (= Sale Total Amount – Discount Amount)

When the customer acquires the final good or service, create a CFDI from an Invoice or Cash Sale transaction for the remaining amount.

The remaining amount is the sale total amount minus the discount amount.

The discount amount is equal to the deposit amount.

This Invoice or Cash Sale must be related to CFDI 1.

SAT Payment Method

Select the payment method used for this transaction.

SAT Payment Term

Select the payment term used for this transaction.

Relationship Type

Select ‘07- CFDI by Advance Payment”.

Related CFDI

Select the CFDI issued for the customer deposit (CFDI 1). The UUID of the related CFDI shows.


Item description + “CFDI por remanente de un anticipo” (CFDI for the deposit remaining amount).


Enter the remaining amount before taxes


Enter the deposit amount

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