Entering Electronic Cash Sales for Mexico

You can enter a cash sale by going to Transactions > Sales > Enter Cash Sales.


To enter a cash sale for Mexico:

  1. Fill the required information in the Cash Sale transaction form.

    • When filling the Item sublist, verify that the SAT Item Code field is populated.

    • On the E-Document subtab:

      • Make sure the e-document template selected corresponds to the PAC that your administrator has configured for this customer.

      • Make sure the sending method selected corresponds to the appropriate sending method (channel) defined for sending e-documents to this customer (for example, email).

      • To create a PDF version of the transaction record when the XML file is generated, check the Generate PDF box.

    • On the CFDI Information subtab, complete the fields required by the SAT:

      • CFDI Usage,

      • SAT Payment Method,

      • SAT Payment Term,

      • Others.

    • On the Related CFDI subtab, you can associate other CFDIs with this transaction.

  2. When you have entered all required information, click Save.

    The system updates the transaction record and a Generate E-Document button appears at the top.

  3. Click Generate E-Document.

    • If the e-document has been successfully generated, the Certify E-Document button appears on the record. At this point, the e-document is not yet certified.

      • The XML file reference can be viewed and downloaded under the Generated E-Document field, on the E-Document subtab.

      • On the same subtab, the PDF file reference can be viewed and downloaded under the Generated PDF field.


        This is a PDF version of the generated e-document, not a preview of the certified PDF. To view the certified PDF (with the localized layout), you must first certify the file (step 4).

      • The E-Document Audit Trail on the E-Document subtab provides further details of the generated e-document.

    • If the generation failed, click the E-Document subtab, and then check the generation error details on the E-Document Audit Trail. You must first fix the errors before you can regenerate the e-document.

  4. Click Certify E-Document to submit the XML e-document for certification.

    In the certification process, NetSuite connects to the PAC through a web service. Then, the PAC validates catalog values and communicates with the SAT, which validates the integrity of the XML.

    • If the XML is valid, the SAT certifies the file and returns it to the PAC, which then sends it back to NetSuite.

      • The E-Document Status field on the E-Document subtab indicates the status of the certification process.

      • Integration details are logged on the E-Document Audit Trail.

      • You can view and download the certified XML file (CFDI) under the Certified E-Document field, on the E-Document subtab.

      • On the same subtab, you can view and download the certified PDF file from the Generated PDF field.

    • If certification fails, details of errors are logged on the E-document Audit Trail. You must then fix the errors identified and regenerate the e-document.

  5. To send the certified e-documents (certified XML and certified PDF) to your customers, vendors or any third party, click Send E-Document. The e-document is sent through the sending method that you have selected on the transaction (step 1).

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