Deployment Log Example

The following SuiteCloud IDE console output shows successful deployment of the components required to start execution of a SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) installation script:

Validate account settings -- Success
Validate Custom Objects against the Account -- Success
Info -- Current installed version [1.0.0]
Begin deployment -- com.netsuite.example(1.0.0)
Upload file -- ~/FileCabinet/SuiteApps/com.netsuite.example/checkpreference_fail.js
Create object -- customscript_install_script (sdfinstallationscript)
Creat object -- customscript_install_script.customdeploy1 (scriptdeployment)
Run installation script -- ~Objects/customscript_install_script.xml


For more deployment output samples, see Handling Exceptions and Monitoring SDF Installation Scripts.

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