SDF Installation Scripts as XML Definitions

You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to create scripts that execute while SuiteApp deployments are installed to a target NetSuite account. These types of scripts are called SuiteScript 2.x SDF installation scripts. You can use SDF installation scripts to customize installation. For example, to do the following tasks on a target NetSuite account:

The SDF installation script records and deployments are represented in SDF as sdfinstallationscript objects. The SuiteScript files referenced by a sdfinstallationscript object are stored in the FileCabinet folder.


For SDF installation scripts and SuiteCloud project types:

  • SuiteApp projects only support SDF installation scripts.

  • Account customization projects do not support SDF installation scripts.

To use SDF installation scripts, do the following tasks in your project:

For more information about using SDF installation scripts in a SuiteApp project, see the following topics:

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