SuiteScript 2.x SDF Installation Script Type

The SDF installation script type is used to perform tasks during deployment of a SuiteApp from SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to your target account. You can use this script type to perform setup, configuration, and data management tasks that would otherwise have to be completed by account administrators, such as:

The SDF installation script type is similar to the bundle installation script type. However, this script type is designed for use with SuiteApps that are developed and deployed with the SDF, rather than with SuiteBundler.

For details about SDF installation scripts, see the following help topics:

SDF Installation Script Requirements

To execute an SDF installation script during your SuiteApp project deployment, the script must be associated with a script record and a script deployment record. For more information, see the help topic Creating a Script Record.

Script records and script deployment records can be created in several ways: (1) within your SuiteCloud project as XML representations, (2) using SuiteScript, and (3) from within your NetSuite account. For more information, see the help topics SDF Installation Scripts as XML Definitions and SuiteCloud Development Framework XML Reference.

SDF installation scripts are governed by a maximum of 10,000 units per execution. For more information about governance, see the help topics Script Type Usage Unit Limits and SuiteScript Governance and Limits.

Managing SDF Installation Scripts in SDF

You can use SuiteCloud Development Framework to manage SDF installation scripts as part of file-based customization projects. You can also incorporate SDF installations scripts into your SuiteApp project deployment. And, SuiteApp projects can include SDF installation scripts, which are automatically executed when the project is deployed. For more information, see the following help topics:

SDF installation scripts and deployments can be monitored using the deploy log in the SuiteCloud IDE or the Execution Log on the Script or Script Deployment page. For more information, see Deployment Logs for SuiteCloud Projects and Handling Exceptions and Monitoring SDF Installation Scripts.

Copy to Account Support for SDF Installation Scripts

You can use the Copy to Account feature to copy an individual SDF installation script to another of your accounts. Each SDF installation script page has a clickable Copy To Account option in the upper right corner. For information about Copy to Account, see the help topic Copy to Account.

SDF Installation Script Samples

SDF installation script samples are available in the following SuiteCloud Development Framework help topics:

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