Deployment Logs for SuiteCloud Projects

When you deploy a SuiteCloud project for SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to the target NetSuite account, an installation log is created and uploaded to that account.

You can review and download installation logs from the Deployment Audit Trail page of the NetSuite account. This page is located under Customization > SuiteCloud Development.

The installation log is a step-by-step progress report that includes the following information:


Server-side validation is always performed prior to a deployment. For more information about validation, see SuiteCloud Project Validation.


You cannot deploy SDF custom objects from account customization projects if the objects are locked in the target NetSuite account. You also cannot use account customization projects to add subrecords to locked record types. For more information about locked record types, see Locking SDF Custom Objects in the SuiteApp Type of SuiteCloud Project and Locking Objects in Customization Bundles.

For information about deploying a SuiteCloud project using:

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