Feature Dependencies for SDF Custom Objects in SuiteCloud Projects

When you use SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) to develop SuiteApps or account customizations in SuiteCloud projects, you must consider which NetSuite features are required for the SDF custom objects and which features are optional:

Standard Feature Dependencies for SDF Custom Objects

For SDF custom objects that are not listed in Enhanced Feature Dependencies for SDF Custom Objects and Enhanced Feature Dependencies for SDF Custom Objects Containing OneWorld Components, you must reference the feature dependencies in the SuiteCloud project so that validation and deployment succeeds. This ensures that the required features are enabled in the target account so that the SDF custom objects can be used in that account.

Dependencies are referenced using the feature element in the SuiteCloud project manifest. Each element has a required attribute that accepts a string value of true or false. You can update the project manifest manually or let SDF evaluate the project and update the manifest automatically.

When you set a required element to true, the referenced feature is required to be enabled in the target NetSuite account. Any SDF custom object in the SuiteCloud project that is feature-dependent should work as intended.

When you set a required element to false, the referenced feature does not need to be enabled in the target NetSuite account. Any SDF custom object in the SuiteCloud project that is feature-dependent may cause errors or warnings during validation. The element contents are ignored if they depend on features that are not required. These elements cause warnings when the SuiteCloud project is validated.

To add and define feature dependencies:

Related Topics

General Notices