Account Configuration from an Account Customization Project
Account features can be enabled or disabled from an account customization project in SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). The feature configuration of an account can be found in NetSuite under Setup > Company > Enable Features.
You can either import the most recent feature configuration from a NetSuite account or create a new feature configuration in the account customization project. By controlling account features in your project, you ensure that more project components operate as intended without requiring manual adjustments to the target account features. Additionally, you can use this feature to compare the current configuration of an account to its previous configuration when a project was deployed to it.
Features that require a Terms of Service user agreement cannot be enabled or disabled using SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF). The following features cannot be controlled using SDF:
MARKETING (Marketing Automation)
MAILMERGE (Mail Merge)
DIRECTDEPOSIT (Direct Deposit)
OPENIDSSO (OpenID Single Sign-on)
SAMLSSO (SAML Single Sign-on)
TBA (Token-based Authentication)
ITEMOPTIONS (Item Options)
CUSTOMRECORDS (Custom Records)
AUTOLOCATIONASSIGNMENT (Automatic Location Assignment)
WORKFLOW (SuiteFlow)
CREATESUITEBUNDLES (Create bundles with SuiteBundler)
INSTALLSUITEBUNDLES (Install bundles with SuiteBundler)
WEBAPPLICATIONVERSIONING (SuiteScript Server Pages Versioning)
WEBAPPLICATIONS (SuiteScript Server Pages)
CUSTOMTRANSACTIONS (Custom Transactions)
CUSTOMSEGMENTS (Custom Segments)
CUSTOMCODE (Client SuiteScript)
FXRATEUPDATES (Currency Exchange Rate Integration)
MOBILEPUSHNTF (Mobile Push Notification)
WEEKLYTIMESHEETSNEWUI (Weekly Timesheets Interface)
WEBDUPLICATEEMAILMANAGEMENT (Web Site Duplicate Email Management)
PAYROLL (Payroll)
Account customization projects contain an AccountConfiguration folder. By default, this folder is empty. By creating or importing a features.xml
file in this folder, you can enable or disable features. Account configuration is stored in the features.xml
file. In addition to creating the new file, the deploy.xml
file in the project must reference the features.xml
file path.
For information about referencing dependencies using CLI for Java, see listconfiguration and importconfiguration.
Account Configuration Validation
Due to the complexity of account feature dependencies on other account features, you may encounter several validation errors when enabling or disabling features. You should validate your project often while adjusting the account configuration in a SuiteCloud project. Use the validation error messages and logs while working with an account configuration to get it in a working state. For more information, see SuiteCloud Project Validation and Account Configuration Errors.
The following example shows some possible validation issues that may occur after modifying an account configuration:
2020-08-29 07:22:33 (PST) started
Info -- Account [(PRODUCTION) MyNetSuiteAccount]
Info -- Account Customization Project [AccountCustomizationProjectSample]
Info -- Framework Version [1.0]
Validate manifest -- Success
Validate deploy file -- Success
Validate configuration -- Success
Validate script file -- Success
Validate objects -- Success
Validate files -- Success
Validate folders -- Success
Validate account settings -- Success
Validate Custom Objects against the Account -- Success
WARNING -- One or more potential issues were found during configuration validation.
Details: You cannot use SDF to enable the SERVERSIDESCRIPTING(Server SuiteScript) feature because it requires a Terms of Service user agreement.
Details: You cannot use SDF to enable the WORKFLOW(SuiteFlow) feature because it requires a Terms of Service user agreement.
Details: Configuration of MULTILOCINVT(Multi-Location Inventory) feature reported the following warning(s): Once you have distributed items, you will not be able to disable the Multi-Location Inventory feature. Are you sure you want to enable this feature?
File: ~/AccountConfiguration/features.xml
Begin deployment
Configure feature -- The MULTILANGUAGE(Multi-Language) feature has been left UNCHANGED with status ENABLED
Configure feature -- The MULTISHIPTO(Multiple Shipping Routes) feature has been left UNCHANGED with status DISABLED
Configure feature -- The LOCATIONS(Locations) feature has been ENABLED
Configure feature -- The MULTILOCINVT(Multi-Location Inventory) feature has been ENABLED
Configure feature -- The ACCOUNTING(Accounting) feature has been left UNCHANGED with status ENABLED
Configure feature -- Disabling of the SERVERSIDESCRIPTING(Server SuiteScript) feature has FAILED
Configure feature -- Disabling of the WORKFLOW(SuiteFlow) feature has FAILED
Create object -- customrecord_ (customrecordtype)
WARNING -- One or more potential issues were found during custom object creation. (customrecord_)
Details: Once you have distributed items, you will not be able to disable the Multi-Location Inventory feature. Are you sure you want to enable this feature?
Details: To complete multi-location inventory setup, please visit 'Setup > Company > Locations' to define your company's locations and then 'Transactions > Inventory > Distribute Inventory' to distribute your inventory before entering transactions or running reports.
File: ~/Objects/customrecord_.xml
Create object -- customrecord_.custrecord_ (customrecordcustomfield)
2020-08-29 07:22:48 (PST) Installation COMPLETE (0 minutes 16 seconds)
Related Topics
- Developing SuiteCloud Projects for SuiteCloud Development Framework
- Account Component Imports to SuiteCloud Projects
- SDF Custom Object Dependencies in SuiteApps
- Account Component Dependencies in SuiteCloud Projects
- Feature Dependencies for SDF Custom Objects in SuiteCloud Projects
- SDF Custom Object and File Development in SuiteCloud Projects
- SuiteCloud Project Validation
- SuiteCloud Project Deployment Preparation
- Deployment Logs for SuiteCloud Projects
- Viewing and Uninstalling SDF SuiteApps in a NetSuite Account
- Publishing an SDF SuiteApp