Deploying a SuiteCloud Project to Your NetSuite Account with SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm

When you create a SuiteCloud project, a deploy file is automatically generated.

By default, the file is configured to deploy all supported files in the FileCabinet folder and all SDF custom objects in the Objects folder.

For more information, see SuiteCloud Project Deployment Preparation.

To deploy a SuiteCloud project to your NetSuite account:

  1. In WebStorm, create or select the SuiteCloud project.

    For more information, see Creating an Account Customization Project in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm or Creating a SuiteApp Project in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.


    Account customization projects cannot be uninstalled from your account after they have been deployed. Undesired account components need to be manually deleted.

  2. Ensure that your project references all the required dependencies.

    For more information, see Defining Feature Dependencies in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm, Defining Dependencies on SDF Custom Objects in a SuiteApp and Bundle Objects with SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm, and Defining Account Component Dependencies from an Account Customization Project in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.

  3. Ensure that your deploy file references all of the NetSuite components that you want to deploy.

    For more information, see SuiteCloud Project Deployment Preparation.

  4. Right-click a SuiteCloud project in the Project window.

  5. Select one of the following:

    • NetSuite > Deploy

    • NetSuite > Deploy to Account

  6. If you chose to deploy to an account, select the appropriate account and role, and then click Deploy.

  7. Optionally, if you are deploying to an account customization project, you can change the selection for Action on Account-Specific Values. For more information about this setting, see Account-Specific Values Validation in SuiteCloud Projects.

  8. Optionally, if you are deploying a SuiteApp project, to enable or disable the installation preferences, select or clear the Apply Installation Preferences box.

    For more information, see Installation Preferences in the SuiteApp of SuiteCloud Project.

  9. If you are deploying to a NetSuite production account, a notification window may appear. Confirm that you want to deploy to the production account to continue the deployment process.

    SDF validates and deploys the SuiteCloud project to your NetSuite account. The installation log is displayed in the SuiteCloud IDE tool window.


The following example shows the installation log of a successful deployment to a NetSuite production account for a company named Wolfe Electronics:

          2018-08-09 06:05:10 (PST) Installation started
Info -- Account [(PRODUCTION) Wolfe Electronics (ACCOUNTNAME)]
Info -- Account Customization Project [SDFtutorial]
Info -- Framework Version [1.0]
Validate manifest -- Success
Validate deploy file -- Success
Validate configuration -- Success
Validate script file -- Success
Validate objects -- Success
Validate files -- Success
Validate folders -- Success
Validate account settings -- Success
Validate Custom Objects against the Account -- Success
Begin deployment
Upload file -- ~/FileCabinet/SuiteScripts/UserEventScript.js
Create object -- customrecord_tutorial (customrecordtype)
Create object -- customscript_userevent (usereventscript)
Create object -- customrecord_tutorial.custrecord_tut_memo (customrecordcustomfield)
Create object -- customscript_userevent.customdeploy_ue_tut (scriptdeployment)
2018-08-09 06:05:37 (PST) Installation COMPLETE (0 minutes 27 seconds) 


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