Validating a SuiteCloud Project with SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm

SDF can run server-side validation to catch errors that may occur during the project deployment process.

For more information, see SuiteCloud Project Validation.

To validate a SuiteCloud project against your account:

  1. In WebStorm, create or select the SuiteCloud project.

    For more information, see Creating an Account Customization Project in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm or Creating a SuiteApp Project in SuiteCloud IDE Plug-in for WebStorm.

  2. Right-click a SuiteCloud project in the Project window.

  3. Select NetSuite > Validate Project Against Account.

  4. Select the account and role associated with your account.

  5. Optionally, for an account customization project, change the selection for Action on Account-Specific Values. For more information about this setting, see Account-Specific Values Validation in SuiteCloud Projects.

  6. Optionally, for SuiteApp projects, check the Apply Installation Preferences box if you want to apply the installation preferences.

  7. Select Validate.

    SDF validates your project against the chosen account. The validation progress log is displayed in the SuiteCloud IDE console.

Errors in the validation log are displayed in red. If you encounter errors during server-side validation, review the error messages to determine possible causes and troubleshoot the issues.


The following example shows a validation log that indicates a successful validation:

          Info -- Account [ACCOUTNAME]
Info -- Account Customization Project [PROJECTNAME]
Info -- Framework Version [1.0]
Validate manifest -- Success
Validate deploy file -- Success
Validate configuration -- Success
Validate script file -- Success
Validate objects -- Success
Validate files -- Success
Validate folders -- Success
Validate account settings -- Success
Validate Custom Objects against the Account -- Success
Validation COMPLETE 
Validate preferences - Success
Validate flags -Sucess 


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