Translation Collections as XML Definitions

A Translation Collection stores translation strings with their translations in NetSuite. A Translation Collection is defined in a SuiteCloud project for SuiteCloud Development Framework (SDF) by the following:

The XLIFF files are located separately from the translationcollection object in the SuiteCloud project, providing a convenient way to add translation strings received from your translators. The XLIFFs can also be imported into the Translation Collection in NetSuite separately. Using XLIFF files provided by your translators eliminates the need to manually manipulate the strings.

For information about creating and managing Translation Collections in NetSuite, see Translation Collections Overview.

To reference translation collections in SDF custom objects, see Translatable Fields on SDF Custom Objects

To interact with Translation Collections programmatically with SuiteScript, see N/translation Module.

Consider the following information when working with Translation Collections as XML definitions:

Importing Translation Collections into SuiteCloud Projects

Consider the following information when you are importing Translation Collections into a SuiteCloud project:

  • You can import existing translationcollection objects from an account by selecting custcollection as the search criteria. When importing translationcollection objects into a SuiteCloud project, the corresponding XLIFF files are not created.

  • When you use the Import Bundle Components action to import a Translation Collection into an account customization project (ACP), the XLIFF files are not created with the translationcollection objects. For more information, see Conversion of a Bundle to an Account Customization Project for SDF.

  • When you use the Convert to SuiteCloud Project action from a bundle in the NetSuite UI, previously imported XLIFF files are included for the translationcollection objects. The XLIFF files are located in a Translations subdirectory of the ZIP file. For information about converting a bundle to a SuiteCloud project, see Converting a Bundle into an Account Customization Project from a NetSuite Account.

You can use the NetSuite UI to export the XLIFF files from the NetSuite account and then add those XLIFF files to your SuiteCloud project. For more information, see Exporting a Translation Collection.

Deploying SuiteCloud Projects Containing Translation Collections

Consider the following information when deploying a SuiteCloud project containing Translation Collections:

  • Translation Collections are created in the NetSuite account based on fields in the translationcollection object.

  • The XLIFF (.xlf or .xliff) files are imported into NetSuite and their strings are added to their corresponding Translation Collections. For XLIFF file requirements, see Translation Collection Strings in SuiteCloud Projects.


    When the Translation Collection already exists in the target account, XLIFF files in the SuiteCloud project overwrite the target account’s existing strings during deployment. There is no conflict detection when deploying Translation Collection strings. Ensure the XLIFF files contain the correct version of the strings. The previous XLIFF import information is located on the Import Jobs tab of the Manage Translations page.

  • Removing a term (translation string) from a translationcollection object in an SDF SuiteApp project removes both that term and its translated strings from the Translation Collection in the target NetSuite account.

  • Removing a translation from the XLIFF file does not remove that translation from the target account if the translation already exists at the time of deployment.

  • Removing a Translation Collection from an ACP project does not remove that Translation Collection from the target account on subsequent deployments.

  • XLIFF files are imported into the target NetSuite account in the order that they are specified in the deploy file.

Including Translation Collections in SDF SuiteApps

Consider the following information when including Translation Collections in SDF SuiteApps:

  • Removing a Translation Collection from the SDF SuiteApp project removes that collection from the NetSuite account when the SuiteApp is installed as an upgrade. The Translation Collection’s strings are also removed.

  • Translation Collections are removed from the NetSuite account when the SDF SuiteApp is uninstalled. The corresponding translation strings are also are also removed.

  • When an SDF SuiteApp deployment locks a Translation Collection in the target account, subsequent deployments can still update that Translation Collection including its strings.

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