Landed Cost and Taxation

NetSuite includes different tax types set up by default. Other tax types are incorporated when you add a subsidiary or Nexus in a new country. Additionally, an Administrator or NetSuite Professional Services can set up new taxes. For more information about tax types in NetSuite, see Tax Types Overview.

When the cost source is based on Other Transaction (exclude tax), the tax calculation depends on whether you use Legacy Tax or SuiteTax.

Screenshot of a Source field on a Transaction with the following list of options: Manual, This Transaction, Other Transaction, and Other Transaction (exlude tax)

The following information explains the effect of taxation on the landed cost when using other transaction as source.

For examples of the effect of taxation on the landed cost, see Landed Cost Examples.

Related Topics

Landed Cost Overview
Landed Cost Categories
Landed Cost Categories
Setting up an Item Record for Landed Cost
Creating a Landed Cost Item
Entering Landed Cost on a Transaction
Landed Cost and Commission
Landed Cost Allocation per Line
Estimated Landed Cost
Landed Cost

General Notices