Estimated Landed Cost

Estimated Landed Cost automates the calculation of landed cost estimates for each transaction line item. It extends the Landed Cost feature with the use of landed cost templates. You can set up templates with multiple cost categories and assign each category with its own allocation method. Landed cost estimates are derived from the allocation method and cost factor, which you can update as needed.

You can add landed cost templates to the following types of items where you track landed cost:

Estimated Landed Cost can be used on the following transactions:

When you assign landed cost templates to transaction line items, landed cost estimates are automatically applied as the items are received. You can receive large orders without having to manually apply landed cost estimates for each of the items.


The Estimated Landed Cost feature is available in the Supply Chain Management SuiteApp. To purchase the SuiteApp, contact your account manager.


Related Topics

Estimated Landed Cost Setup Requirements
Setting up Estimated Landed Cost
Estimated Landed Cost Management
Landed Cost Overview
Landed Cost Categories
Landed Cost Categories
Setting up an Item Record for Landed Cost
Creating a Landed Cost Item
Entering Landed Cost on a Transaction
Landed Cost and Taxation
Landed Cost Examples
Landed Cost and Commission
Landed Cost Allocation per Line
Landed Cost

General Notices