Estimated Landed Cost Management

When adding items to transactions, you can select the landed cost template used to derive the estimated landed cost.

Review the following guidelines and reminders when using Estimated Landed Cost:

Creating Purchase Orders With Estimated Landed Cost

On purchase orders, you can add items one at a time or by using the Add Multiple option. The preferred landed cost template of an item is set as its default template on the purchase order. You can still change default templates in the item sublist. For information about setting up default templates, see Assigning Landed Cost Templates to Items.

Creating Item Receipts With Estimated Landed Cost

Line items on receipts that are generated from a purchase order have the same landed cost templates as on the originating transaction. You can still change the templates on the generated item receipt, however, they are not going to match those on the originating transaction. This change recalculates the estimated landed cost for the updated line items.

Refer to the following guidelines for estimated landed cost on item receipts:

Creating Vendor Bills With Estimated Landed Cost

Vendor bills that are generated from purchase orders have the same landed cost templates as on the purchase order. Landed cost templates are not editable for these vendor bills.

When creating standalone vendor bills, you can assign and update the landed cost template. Estimated landed cost calculations depend on the selected template. You can also switch from estimated to real landed cost per line item. For more information, see Landed Cost Allocation per Line.

Viewing the Estimated Landed Cost on Transactions

On item receipts or standalone vendor bills, you can view the estimated landed cost in the following ways:

Editing Transactions With Estimated Landed Cost

Review the following guidelines when you update transactions that have line items with estimated landed cost:

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