Performing Inventory Counts

On your mobile device, you can process inventory counts generated from cycle count plans. You can access inventory counts that have the Started status. For more information, see Creating Cycle Count Plans.

If you activate the Tally Scanning rule, you can scan item bar codes to enter each quantity that you want to count. You can tally scan a bar code for the item, item alias, or UPC. For numbered items, you can tally scan a bar code for a lot or serial number. If you also activate the Advanced Bar Code rule, you can tally scan an item bar code in the supported GS1 formats. You can scan a numbered item’s GS1 bar code that contains the lot or serial number. For more information, see System Rules for NetSuite WMS.

To perform an inventory count:

  1. On your mobile device, tap the menu icon Menu icon at the top-left corner of the screen, and then tap Main Menu.

  2. On the Main Menu page, tap Inventory.

  3. On the Inventory page, tap Cycle Count.

  4. On the Select Plan page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Plan # field, scan or enter the inventory count number. If you enter the data, tap Enter Plan # to proceed.

      On inventory count records, this number appears in the Ref. No. field.

      If you cannot find the inventory count, verify that the plan has been assigned to you. See Generating and Releasing Inventory Counts.

    • From the Cycle Count Plans list, tap the number.

    • To update a processed count, tap the Show Completed toggle. Then from the list, tap the number.

  5. On the Select Task page, from the Cycle Count Tasks list, tap the bin number or item associated with the task you want to process.

    For completed counts, you can view the result of the latest count in the Original Quantity column.

  6. For locations with bins, on the Enter Bin page, scan or enter the bin in the field. If you enter the data, tap Enter Bin to proceed.

    Alternatively, in the Expected Bin field, tap the bin number.

  7. On the Enter Item page, do one of the following:

    • In the Scan/Enter Item field, scan or enter the item you want to count. If you enter the data, tap Enter Item to proceed.

      You can scan the item name, number, alias, or UPC.

    • From the Items to count list, tap the item.

      If you want to view the completed items associated with the inventory count, tap the toggle.

    • If the bin does not contain quantities of the item, tap Zero Quantity.

      If you have other items to count from a different bin, the Select Task page appears. Repeat from step 6. Otherwise, the Count Plan Complete page appears with the count details. Proceed to step 11.

  8. For lot items, on the Enter Lot page, scan or enter the lot number in the field. If you enter the data, tap Enter Lot to proceed.

  9. On the Enter Quantity page, you can enter the quantity depending on the item type and features you use:

    1. To enter the quantity, do one of the following:

      • Enter Quantity - Enter the counted quantity for the item. For numbered items, enter the total counted quantity for all lot or serial numbers. Optionally, beside the field, you can select the unit for an item associated with multiple units.


        If you use the Inventory Status feature and the item has different statuses, enter the total counted quantity for all statuses. Then, tap Enter Quantity. You are redirected to this page and you can now enter the quantity for each status.

        Optionally, if the item is associated with multiple units, you can select a unit. The Quantity Remaining field displays the adjusted value in the item’s base unit.

      • Tally Scan Item - Before you scan an item bar code, make sure you leave the Enter Quantity field blank and select the correct unit. You cannot change the unit after you scan the first item bar code. You can also verify that the correct inventory status is selected, as described in step 9.b.

    2. Inventory Status - (Optional) For non-numbered items, select a status for the counted items.

    3. To save the quantity or proceed, tap one of the following buttons:

      • Enter Quantity - Saves the counted quantity, the total counted quantity for a numbered item, or the total counted quantity for an item with different statuses.

        For regular items associated with different statuses, you are redirected to this page. Repeat the steps to enter the quantity for each status.

      • Enter Lot - For lot items, tap this button to enter another lot number. Repeat from step 8.

      • Done – Saves the tally scanned quantity and exits this page.

      • Bin Empty or No Stock - If you have no available or remaining items to count, tap either of these buttons.

  10. For serialized items, on the Enter Serial Numbers page, enter or select values in the following fields:

    1. Inventory Status - (Optional) For item with different statuses, you can select a status.

    2. Scan/Enter Serial Number - Scan or enter the serial number.

    3. Tap Enter Serial Number.

    Repeat these steps for each serial number.

  11. Depending on the remaining tasks in the inventory count, you are redirected to one of the following pages:

    • If you have other lot items to count or other items from a different bin, the Select Task page appears. Repeat from step 8.

      If the other items to count belong to the same bin, the Enter Item page appears. Repeat from step 7.

    • If you have completely processed the count, the Count Plan Complete page appears. For warehouses with no bins, the Task Count Completed page appears.

      You can view the count details, and then process another count, select another plan, or update a processed count.

To complete your processed counts, see Completing Inventory Counts.

Related Topics

NetSuite WMS Setup
Installing the NetSuite WMS SuiteApps
Mobile Device Basics for NetSuite WMS
Starting Inventory Counts
Approving or Rejecting Inventory Counts

General Notices