Generating TDS Tax Reports

The India Localization SuiteTax Reports SuiteApp enables you to generate India TDS reports. You can generate TDS reports using the following steps.

To generate a TDS tax report:

  1. Go to Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports.

  2. In the Subsidiary field, select a subsidiary from the list.

  3. In the Start Period field, select a starting period for the report.

  4. In the End Period field, select a end period for the report.

  5. In the Report Name field, select the type of report you want to generate for TDS.

  6. Click Additional Parameters.

  7. On the Income Tax Form Params page, set the following fields:

    • Regular Statement Filed for Earlier Period – Check this box if regular statement has been filed for earlier period.

    • Token No. of Previous Regular Statement – Enter the token number of your previous regular statement.

    • Change of Address of Deductor Since Last Return – Check this box if deductor’s address has changed since filing the last tax return.

    • Change of Address of Responsible Person Since Last Return – Check this box if responsible person’s address has changed since filing the last tax return.

  8. Click OK.


    If you receive a browser pop-up message about unsaved changes, click Leave to go back to the Country Tax Report page.

  9. Click Generate.

The Country Tax Reports page reloads when a report is generated.

The generated report displays as a new line in the Report Execution Log subtab. When a report generation is in progress, the View | Download column displays a progress bar which changes into View link when a report is generated.


If the report settings cover a long time period, you may need to wait a few minutes before the report becomes available. After the report is completed, the system sends you an email notification with a link to the report.

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