Applying Vendor Prepayments With Auto-Apply

NetSuite can automatically apply vendor prepayments to your bills with the Auto-Apply accounting preference. When you use this preference, you do not need to manually apply vendor prepayments to bills. The Auto-Apply preference enters the vendor prepayment applications automatically.

Entering the vendor bills triggers the automatic application process using Auto-Apply when the Auto-Apply conditions are met. Auto-Apply periodically checks for new vendor bills that are eligible for automatic application. The automatic application of your vendor prepayments may take a several seconds to occur.

The Auto-Apply preference is enabled by default, but you can always configure this preference to your needs. For information about how to configure Auto-Apply, see Configuring Vendor Prepayments With Auto-Apply.

Auto-Apply enters vendor prepayments automatically in the following way:


If you want to control how the prepayment amount is applied to different bills, you must apply the vendor prepayment manually. For more information, see Applying Vendor Prepayments Manually.

Auto-Apply Conditions

In addition to configuring the Auto-Apply accounting preference, the purchase order, prepayment, and bill must meet the following conditions:

Auto-Apply works in the background using the NetSuite system account credentials. If you only apply the prepayments to your bills using Auto-Apply, you do not need permissions to work with vendor prepayments.

How to Determine When Auto-Apply Works

The following examples provide the information you can expect to see in NetSuite when the Auto-Apply configuration works:

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