Revenue Summary Details

The Revenue Summary button at the top of the revenue arrangement page opens a popup window. The window displays key information from the Revenue Element subtab combined with recognized revenue from the general ledger and amounts actually invoiced. In addition, when revenue arrangements are created from merged arrangements, linked elements are consolidated on the Revenue Summary window. You can view the summary with consolidated linked elements collapsed or expanded to show each linked element.

In the popup window, use the Expand All and Collapse All buttons, or click the plus and minus signs to expand and collapse individual lines.

The columns in the revenue summary are as follows:




Link to the revenue element in both consolidated and expanded views.

Linked Element

Visible in expanded view only. This is a link to the revenue element for a related source, such as transaction line or subscription line.


Link to the source for the line in both consolidated and expanded views.

When the source is a subscription change order, the link is to the subscription change order. The text for the link indicates the type of change order. For more information about subscription change orders, see SuiteBilling Change Orders.


Link to the item record in both consolidated and expanded views.


Quantity associated with the element.

In consolidated view, the quantity equals the total of the quantities in the detail lines.

Discounted Sales Amount

Discounted sales amount for the element.

In consolidated view, the amount equals the total of the discounted sales amounts in the detail lines.

Revenue Amount

Total revenue amount associated with the element.

In consolidated view, the amount equals the total of the revenue amounts in the detail lines.

Recognized (Base Currency)

The revenue recognized from revenue recognition journal entries in the base currency.

Projected Carve

The projected carve-in or carve-out amount for the element, calculated by NetSuite during Deferred Revenue Reclassification. The formula is Projected Carve = Revenue Amount – Discounted Sales Amount. A positive result indicates a carve in, and a negative amount is a carve out. For more information, see Fair Value and Allocation.

This column appears only when the Advanced Revenue Management (Revenue Allocation) feature is enabled.


The amount invoiced.

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