Vendor Bill Approvals in the Employee Center

Users with the Employee Center role can review and approve vendor bills using the standard vendor bill approval process. These users can also review and approve vendor bills using a vendor bill approval workflow in SuiteFlow.

Users with the Employee Center role cannot approve vendor bills by default. You must assign the necessary permissions in the Employee Center role first.

Consider the following scenario. Laura is one of the Financial Controllers in her company. Laura works in NetSuite with the Employee Center role. The company policy states that every vendor bill must be approved by the Finance Control department. Bills that are not approved are not considered complete and do not have an impact in Accounts Payable. The Accounting department enters vendor bills periodically in NetSuite. As a Controller, Laura is in charge of approving or rejecting the bills entered by the company accountants. By configuring vendor bill approvals in the Employee Center, Laura can see what bills are waiting for her approval. Laura can approve or reject these bills without leaving the Employee Center.

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