Prerequisites for Installing the Netherlands Localization SuiteApp

To install the Netherlands Localization SuiteApp, you must first install the EMEA Localization SuiteApp. For more information, see Installing the EMEA Localization SuiteApp.

To use the electronic bank payment templates in Netherlands Localization, you must install the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp. For more information, see Installing the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp.

To use the tax-related features of the Netherlands Localization SuiteApp, you must have the SuiteTax feature enabled in your NetSuite account. Then, install the following:



SuiteTax Engine

See Installing the SuiteTax Engine.

SuiteTax Data Records

See Installing the SuiteTax Data Records Bundle.

Tax Reporting Framework

See Installing Tax Reporting Framework.


The Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp and the SuiteTax–related SuiteApps are not required in the installation of the Netherlands Localization SuiteApp. You can install Netherlands Localization without these SuiteApps. However, without the Electronic Bank Payments SuiteApp, you cannot use the provided electronic bank payment templates. Similarly, you cannot use the provided tax report templates without the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp.

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