Outsourcing Production

NetSuite enables customers to outsource their manufacturing efforts to vendors. Customers can outsource from either a purchase order or from a work order.

To outsource production from a purchase order:

  1. Go to Transactions > Purchases > Enter Purchase Order.

  2. On the Purchase Order page, in the Custom Form field, select the Standard Outsourced Purchase Order.

  3. Select the outsourcing Vendor.

    The Subsidiary field is populated.

  4. Complete the remaining fields.

    For more information, see Entering a Purchase Order.

  5. On the Items subtab, click Items.

  6. From the Assembly list, select the outsource item.

  7. Select the outsourcing Location.

  8. In the Item field, select the item charge. For example, Bike Production Charge.

  9. Enter the Item Quantity.

    NetSuite automatically completes the Rate, Amount, and Production Dates fields, but you can modify the values.

  10. Select the Bill of Materials.

  11. Select the Bill of Materials Revision.

  12. Click Add.

    Continue to add lines based on what you are building in-house, and what you are outsourcing.

  13. To automatically create work order, check the Create WO box.

  14. Click Save.

    After you save the purchase order, a link to the new work order appears on the Items subtab.

  15. Click the Work Order number link to display the work orders details.

    The Outsourcing subtab displays the following outsourcing information:

    • A checked outsourced box denotes that this order is outsourced

    • The vendor name

    • Outsourcing charge type

    • A link to the original purchase order

  16. You can also click the Create WO link to let NetSuite automatically create a work order.

  17. On Purchase Order page, click Receive.

    On the Item Receipt page, you can receive all the items, or some of the items.

  18. On the Items subtab, in the To Location field, select where you want to receive the final product.


    NetSuite automatically creates an Inventory Transfer and not a Transfer Order.

  19. Click Save.

    NetSuite creates assembly build transactions for the received number of items.

    Click an Assembly Build link to review assembly build details.

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