Conditions for Running a Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in

To run a Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in, you must create a format profile that uses the plug-in with a Financial Institution Parser Plug-in or Bank Statement Parser Plug-in.

A Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in works with a Bank Statement Parser Plug-in to enable you to automatically retrieve data for bank reconciliation. For details about automating imports of bank or credit card data for reconciliation, see Automating Imports for Bank Reconciliation.

When a Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in works with a Financial Institution Parser Plug-in, you can retrieve additional data types, including corporate card charges for expense reporting. For details about automating imports of corporate card data for expense reporting, see Automating Imports for Expense Reporting.

To use the default Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in implementation available through the Bank Feeds SuiteApp, see Bank Feeds SuiteApp.


To perform a successful import, you need at least one active account mapping on the format profile record.

When you save a format profile configured for automatic import for the first time:

After the format profile is saved for the first time, subsequent imports can occur in the following ways:

To verify that the plug-in is working, see Conditions for Testing a Financial Institution Connectivity Plug-in.

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General Notices