Updating Imported Bank Data
On the Match Bank Data page, you can manually update your bank data for a financial institution account. You should only do this if your account in NetSuite does not contain the latest data from your financial institution or if there was an import error. Otherwise, wait for the next scheduled bank data import. For details on automatic importing, see Automatic Bank Data Import.
To do this procedure, automatic bank data import must be set up for your financial institution. For details, see Creating Financial Institution Records.
If you are using an SFTP connection (for example, the Auto Bank Statement Import SuiteApp) to retrieve data from multiple accounts, do not do this procedure. The system only retrieves the latest data from the account selected. Data from the other accounts is not retrieved and may get lost in transmission.
To update imported bank data:
Go to Transactions > Bank > Match Bank Data.
From the Account list, select the bank or credit card account for which you want to update your data.
Note:As of NetSuite 2021.1, all newly–created accounts automatically appear in the Account list. If your account does not appear, see Editing Accounts to Use the Match Bank Data and Reconcile Account Statement Pages.
The following fields are populated:
Subsidiary (if applicable).
Bank Balance, if your most recent account statement contains an account balance and statement date.
Balance As Of, if the statement contains a statement date.
If you select an account for which NetSuite failed to import data during the latest import, a popup message displays the most recent import error. For more error details, go to Transactions > Bank > Banking Import History. See Banking Import History.
If NetSuite successfully imported data to the selected account, the Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions grids are populated.
At the top of the page, click Update Imported Bank Data.
If successful, NetSuite displays a message saying that an import is in process. NetSuite retrieves the latest data from your financial institution account. To view the processing status of your import, click Track your status.
If unsuccessful, NetSuite updates your imported bank data at the next scheduled import. A manual update fails in the following situations:
You have not selected an account.
Your account data is up to date.
Your account is not configured with a bank connection.
You have imported bank data within the last 60 minutes.
Note:In previous releases, the threshold was 30 minutes
There was an error during the data retrieval process.
To see the latest data from your financial institution account, refresh the Imported Bank Data grid by clicking the Refresh icon above it.
If the import is done, the Imported Bank Data grid displays the latest data from your account. Dimmed bank lines are still processing. You cannot select these lines for matching or another action until processing is complete. To see if processing is complete, refresh the Imported Bank Data grid again. A high volume of imported bank lines may increase processing time.
The Intelligent Transaction Matching feature automatically matches newly imported data with existing account transactions in NetSuite. To match and reconcile your data, see Reconciling Bank and Credit Card Statements.
Related Topics
- Matching Bank Data
- Filtering Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions
- Viewing Details of Account Transactions
- Viewing Transactions To Be Submitted
- Viewing Unmatched Transactions
- Undoing Matched Transactions
- Excluding Imported Bank Lines From the Matching Process
- Restoring Excluded Imported Bank Lines
- Adding Account Transactions During the Matching Process
- Marking Transactions as Cleared
- Undoing the Cleared Status of Transactions