Viewing Transactions To Be Submitted
When you open the Match Bank Data page, the page displays the To Be Matched subtab. This subtab lets you view transactions that need to be matched or marked as cleared. When transactions are matched or marked as cleared, they move to the Review subtab.
The Review subtab displays all transactions pending submission, which can include the following:
Automatically-matched transactions processed from the Match Bank Data page.
Note:Customer payments generated from the Automated Cash Application are automatically matched, submitted, and ready for reconciliation. The transaction appears on the Reconcile Account Statement page, in the Review subtab.
Transactions generated by an auto-create rule are indicated by the label, To Be Generated. These transactions are generated in your general ledger account when you click Submit.
Manually-matched transactions.
User-cleared transactions.
When you submit a transaction, the system clears it and you can do reconciliation. You can then view and reconcile the transaction on the Reconcile Account Statement page.
NetSuite removes the cleared or matched status from a transaction (and any other transactions from its match group) if you do any of the following:
Edit the transaction amount.
Void the transaction without a reversing journal entry. If you void the transaction with a reversing journal entry, the transaction remains matched or user-cleared.
Delete the transaction.
To view transactions to be submitted:
Go to Transactions > Bank > Match Bank Data.
From the Account list, select the bank or credit card account.
In the Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions grids, NetSuite displays the imported bank lines and corresponding account transactions that require manual matching.
Click the Review subtab.
NetSuite displays all transactions pending submission.
Matched and user-cleared transactions are indicated by the Matched and Cleared label in the View Details column.
Note:Transactions that are automatically created and matched by an auto-create rule are indicated by the label, To Be Generated. These transactions are generated in your general ledger account when you click Submit.
To filter the transactions grid by date or to use the search functionality, see Filtering Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions.
To view all the transactions in a match, click Matched (previously called View) in the View Details column (previously called Match Details).
The Matched Transaction popup window (previously called Match Details) displays the individual transactions in the match group. Details include date, type, transaction number, name, and amount. If the number of transactions exceeds the page limit, click the arrows to see the next or previous page of results.
If you want to undo the match, you can click Undo Match. NetSuite moves the transactions back to the To Be Matched subtab.
To view a transaction that has been marked as cleared pending submission, click Cleared in the View Details column.
The Cleared Transaction popup window appears. Details include the transaction date, type, transaction number, name, and amount.
If you want to undo the cleared status of the transaction, you can click Undo Clear. NetSuite moves the transaction back to the To Be Matched subtab.
To close the Matched Transaction or Cleared Transaction popup window, click Cancel.
To go back to transactions that have not been matched or marked as cleared, click the To Be Matched subtab.
To reconcile all the pending transactions, you must submit them and then reconcile the statement. For details, see Submitting Matched or User-Cleared Transactions and Reconciling Transactions.
To see a summary of cleared and outstanding transactions for the account, go to Reports > Banking/Budgeting > Reconciliation. From the Account and Statement Date dropdown lists, select an account and statement date, and then click Refresh. For more information, see Reconciliation Summary Report.
Related Topics
- Matching Bank Data
- Updating Imported Bank Data
- Filtering Imported Bank Data and Account Transactions
- Viewing Details of Account Transactions
- Undoing Matched Transactions
- Excluding Imported Bank Lines From the Matching Process
- Restoring Excluded Imported Bank Lines
- Adding Account Transactions During the Matching Process
- Marking Transactions as Cleared
- Undoing the Cleared Status of Transactions