Tips for Setting Up Sequential Liability



Creating custom roles and setting permissions

When creating a custom CFO role, set the Pay bills permission to View so CFOs can only view bills and not be able to pay them. This is a recommended setting for better financial control. For more information, see Sequential Liability Roles and Permissions.

Entering vendor bills and vendor credits

When entering expenses or items in a vendor bill or vendor credit, you must associate each expense line or item line to the same project. For instructions, see Associating Vendor Bills and Vendor Credits to a Project.


You can only view payable and receivable balances and details when A/P and A/R transactions are tied to a project.

In instances where the project is not the same for each expense line or item line, Sequential Liability only considers the first project in the expense line. The total amount of the vendor bill or vendor credit is calculated and billed to the first project in the expense line. If there is no project association in any of the expense lines, Sequential Liability then considers the first project in the item line. The total amount of the vendor bill or vendor credit is then calculated and billed to the first project in the item line. This is a SuiteApp limitation.

Entering customer invoices and credit memos

You must associate a customer invoice or credit memo to a project. For instructions, see Associating Customer Invoices and Credit Memos to a Project.


You can only view payable and receivable balances and details when A/P and A/R transactions are tied to a project.

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