
The getIntegrationGovernanceInfo operation can be used to retrieve the available concurrency limit for the specific integration using the operation through SOAP web services.

The operation does not have any parameters and returns the value for concurrency limit and the limit type.

The limit type can be:

With this information the integration can determine how many concurrent requests it can send.

Every integration should use this operation to get information about the available limit and to not exceed the number of available threads that send requests to NetSuite.


The operation will return results only if you are logged in as an administrator.

SOAP Request

        <getIntegrationGovernanceInfo />


SOAP Response

                <platformCore:status isSuccess="true"/>
                       <platformCore:limitType>_integrationSpecific</platformCore:limitType>                                                              </platformCore:getIntegrationGovernanceInfoResult>


Related Topics

SuiteTalk SOAP Web Services Platform Overview
SOAP Web Services Development Considerations
SOAP Web Services Processing
SOAP Web Services Operations
SOAP Web Services Standard Operations
SOAP Web Services List Operations
SOAP Web Services Asynchronous Operations

General Notices