Transaction Detail Dataset

This template combines fields from the Transaction and Transaction Line record types to list all transactions entered during a specific time period. It forms the source data for the Transaction Detail Workbook.

Dataset Configuration

The Transaction Detail dataset combines fields from two record types and multiple criteria filters. To edit the dataset, see Defining a Dataset.

Root Record Type

Joined Record Type

Custom Formula Fields

Data Grid

Criteria Filters


Transaction Line


The following fields are included in the dataset.


  • Date

  • Internal ID

  • Transaction

  • Type

Transaction Line:

  • Amount (Transaction Currency)

  • Entity

  • Memo

  • Subsidiary

The following criteria is used to filter the dataset:

  • Transaction: Date on or after start of this month

  • Transaction Accounting Line: Amount (not consolidated) is not empty

  • Transaction Accounting Line: Accounting Book is Primary Accounting Book

  • Account: Type none of <NO VALUE>, Non Posting

If using Multi-Book Accounting, a Primary Accounting Book filter is also included by default.

Related Topics

General Notices